The Quatstockers; Stanley, Linda and their son Joshua, are a happy little family from Pennsylvania.
Josh is four years old, he has blond hair and big blue eyes, which along with his nose are usually crusted
with mucus from his disgustingly persistent allergies.
It is Josh who finds a bond of love with the tattered and
raggedy sock stuffed with lint, a.k.a. the Lint Monkey.

Uprooted from their comfortable and lovely home in Pennsylvania, to chase what appears to be a promising
career opportunity for Stan as a car salesman in Southern California, they set out for adventure and a new life.
Along the way, the Quatstockers find themselves hurled into chaos and strangeness at every turn.

Everyone they meet, from the movers, Dick and Dean, to a stay at the Zonk 'n' Snore motel with caretaker
Orson Peptic, to the likes of their new neighbors in California, Eckman Floyd, Ba Ba Lou Kazoo, Velcro
Horkendorph and Gunther Swatley (just to name a few) it is one wild ride into a new life filled with oddities.

Stan's parents, Gran Paw and Nana Quatstocker will meet Linda and Josh for the first time when they arrive in
California. Gran Paw and Nana are a bitter-sweet elderly couple, with the best of intentions that are revieled in
their own unique ways.It is Nana's loving gesture that ultimately turns everything upside down, possibly
changing everything forever for Josh.

In a loving act of kindness for her one and only grandson, Nana attempts to create a sock monkey for Josh.
She takes an old sock, just like the one used to make the sock monkey Josh had seen, and wanted so badly
at the swap meet. She attaches the only spare button she can find for an eye, a plastic bread tie for an ear
and an old shoe lace to tie off the opening.

The Frankenstien Monkey, (hideous as it is) is still relatively harmless at this point. It is here that Nana makes
the greatest of mistakes. Without realizing the consequences, she stuffs the sock with the contents of the lint
screen from the clothes dryer.

Josh and the monkey are entirely inseparable. A poor excuse for a sock monkey it is, but none the less it is the all
time love of Josh's life. Not a problem you say? Well, it is a small problem when you consider that Joshua is extremely
allergic, to everything! So, his sole mate (if you will), turns him into a wheezing, mucus-filled, annoying and disgusting
excuse of a child.

The Lint Monkey itself has it's own set of problems, it seems to be prone to being stolen, misplaced,
trampled, torn apart and attacked by dogs obsessed with it's pungent odor. Poor Josh seems to find his dear
companion all too difficult to hold on to.

A sorted cast of truly unique individuals surround the many adventures that await Josh and the Lint Monkey.
They plague the Quatstockers with incredible turmoil, wonderful relationships, a roller coaster ride of emotions
and all the irony that can be dished out.

But best of all, the Quatstockers may just discover that love is the most important thing in life, and love may at
times be the only thing that pulls you through and keeps you going when the chips are down... Even if it's only...
For The Love Of The Lint Monkey.

©1997-2002 Lance Hutto & Craig Deeley